On behalf of the Parish Council, Cllr James Baron is leading a road safety campaign to gather your thoughts on making Wick and Abson safer for everyone. We’re focusing on two key objectives:
1. Reducing vehicle speeds through Wick and along the A420.
2. Ensuring safe pedestrian access across the A420 on the High Street.
To achieve these, we’re collaborating with residents, parish and local councillors, South Gloucestershire Council and our local MP, Claire Young. We’re putting forward 4 key proposals:
1. Installation of Permanent Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS)
2. Vehicle Gateway Signage to alert drivers entering Wick
3. Advancement of the Signalised Puffin Crossing near to the Rose and Crown Pub
4. Change to the Eastern Entry Speed Transition for better speed control
We’ve created a quick digital form that will only take 2-3 minutes to complete, so you can share your thoughts on the campaign and agenda. As residents of Wick, your input is crucial as part of this informal consultation. We want to ensure as many people as possible are heard.
Take the short survey – https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=GKu-__rOr0qVVHWgryARKO_N66ucDvFMiLs5PPGjsS5UOTY3TUlWRkdMRVZUOFozOE1FUllONUFRTy4u
If you know anyone who may have difficulty accessing the digital form, don’t worry! We’ll be including a paper version in the Parish Magazine this January. Simply fill it out and return it:
Drop it off at the Village Hall
Or scan and email it to wickabson_parishcouncil@yahoo.com
We are aiming to receive all responses by Monday 27th January.
Thank you for helping us shape the future of road safety in Wick!
If you would like further updates on this issue, more detailed proposals, and our privacy policy, please join our campaign group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1385113545798514
#WickSafety #RoadSafetyConsultation #HaveYourSay #CommunityEngagement #WickVillage